Cats can have many types of eye problems. Some eye problems in cats, like viral infections, can cause scratches on the eyes or watery eyes. Your cat may also have squinting or sneezing as a result of the virus. Cats can also have problems inside the eye like inflammation or glaucoma.
Q. How do we treat your cat’s eye problem?
After your cat’s eye examination, Dr. Davis will discuss your cat’s specific eye problem and the type of treatment required. Because most cats do not like medications (drops or pills), we try to minimize these at home. We also implement follow ups over the phone whenever we can to help decrease trips to the clinic.
Q. How does Animal Eye Clinic keep cats with eye problems comfortable for the pet eye examination?
We have some unique touches that make our eye clinic feline friendly! We have select doggie-free appointment slots set aside just for cats to help minimize anxiety. Just let our client liaison know if you would like to snag one of these. For your cat’s eye exam, we’ll wrap them in a comforting towel to help them feel secure. We avoid certain types of eye tests, if they are not necessary. The cat eye exam is gentle and concise to help alleviate any of your cat’s concerns.
Q. How can anxiety be reduced for your cat with eye problems before a visit to Animal Eye Clinic?
Cats feel change or unfamiliar situations. Here are some tips to help your cat stay calm and relaxed, even if they have to travel.
- Making the carrier familiar and pleasant: If you need to take your cat traveling, it’s a good idea to associate the carrier with positive messages before the travel. Placing the carrier in a familiar area and putting a favorite blanket or treat in there for several days between travel trips will let your cat know that the carrier doesn’t always mean travel. It could be a nice place to take a nap or eat a little snack, as well.
- Making the carrier calming: Putting catnip, lavender oil or pheromone oil inside the carrier can help your cat relax during the trip.
Q. I think my cat has an eye condition, what should I do?
If you think your cat has eye condition or eye irritation, you should schedule an appointment at our office for a thorough examination. We would love to meet your pets and talk with you about any eye condition your pet may have. Come visit us!
Eye Problems in Cats – Photos

A cat with brown masses inside the iris (yellow part of the eye) is shown. This is a type of eye problems in cats that we see.

Eye problems in cats can include inflammation inside the eye (uveitis), as seen here. The eye is cloudy and the iris (yellow part of the eye) is red. This kitty’s eye went back to normal with treatment.

Cat eyes are normally beautifully clear and deep with no redness or discharge.