Q. Why did you join Animal Eye Clinic?
Jordan: I wanted to help provide a special service that would improve and enhance the lives of our pets. When dogs see squirrels, they are just so happy in that moment. I wanted to help give them that.
Q. Describe why pets are important to you/how have pets changed or influenced you?
Jordan: I think that pets understand their pet parents better than people understand people. Pets know things about us, accept us and, often, give us exactly what we need when we need it. My most recent pet taught me a tremendous amount about myself and has set the standard for love and care of my wife.
Q. What are you passionate about?
Jordan: I’m passionate about learning. I have always been intrigued about discovering the “why” behind a process, approach or skill. I also like challenges and applying a new method to an old problem or a different way of thinking about the problem.
Q. What is your education/where did you go to school?
Jordan: I received my Bachelor’s degree in management from Purdue.
Q. How do you define success?
Jordan: Growing up in rural Indiana, my life was defined by the value of hard work. My parents showed me what it means to be successful through diligence and industriousness.
Q. How you do want people and pets to feel when they come to Animal Eye Clinic?
Jordan: We want people and pets to feel warmth and kindness when they visit us. We value a superior product and advanced surgical and medical treatments, but, most of all, we value the pets that we treat. We want people to know that our family is here to help theirs.